Jan 27, 2010

Sushi as a brain stimulant

In a bizarre, unexplainable fit of raw fish and wasabe induced delirium, I decided to completely change the topic of my blog. I consider the leap from some intellectually stimulating discussion on the Farmer's Almanac to the potentially entertaining and enlightening subject of dispelling everyday students', faculty members', and animals' gripes and complaints to be comparable to Neil Armstrong's first moonbounce.

I'm sure Buzz Aldren was pretty pissed that he lost that game of Rock, Paper, Scissors but we have to remember, Neil called best 2 out of 3 and Rock beats Scissors. So, if you are upset that you lost that last slice of pizza or had to take out the trash, rest assured that it wasn't as bad as staring out of the Lunar Lander and watching your buddy experience reduced gravity and international fame.

Buzz is on the right of the above photo from wikipedia shooting daggers at Neil on the left.

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