Feb 16, 2010


Longwood is following Obama's lead by creating more bureaucracies to manage student activities. Unlike the Obama administration, however, Longwood's Health and Recreation Dept. made a smart move in creating the Sports Club Council (SCC). Matt McGregor and Robbie Bell were the two brains behind this move and I'd like to nominate them for presidency just because of the direct attack they took on a flawed system and the success that has resulted.

In case you didn't know, Longwood used to require sports clubs to have things such as their constitutions and budgets approved by the SGA while waivers and practice schedules had to be approved by Campus Rec.

As was the case for my friend Tyler Stergin last year as he got the Golf Club founded. Every time I asked how it was going he said he didn't even know what he had to do or where to go.

This led to an increasing number of club presidents running around like chickens with their heads cut off as well as missing equipment and budget shortfalls. Athletes complained that the SGA was not suited to review their budgets because SGA members don't know the difference between a practice penny and a round piece of copper. The SCC was developed to fix all that. Made up of members of various sports clubs, the Sports Club Executive Council will now handle all things related to club sports. All rosters and waivers will be turned into them, equipment bought with SGA funds will be inventoried and teams will suffer penalties if equipment is not maintained or is stolen by club members.

The SCC also provides each sports club a liaison between the club and the council. Communication is frequent and club presidents I have spoken with state that they feel like they're in good hands. As a member of Men's Lacrosse Club, I must say I am thoroughly impressed with the SCC and hope to see more of them through out our season. For less information on the SCC visit http://www.longwood.edu/recreation/14073.htm

On a separate note, why in the world was it warmer this morning than it was this afternoon? "Well that's easy, it's called the Land-Sea breeze," said Dr. Hardin.


  1. I thought your article on how the "SCC" works was very imformative. I didnt know that if a club tem had to do things, it had to be approved from the "SGA", and other forms of higher student aide. But, overall, great article.

  2. bahaha i like the obama stuff at the beginning. anyway, i know a lot of people aren't too excited about the way the sga handles money so the scc sounds like it should be pretty helpful as a liaison.

  3. This is really interesting. I didn't know about this either, especially because I'm not part of a club sport. I liked the comparison you made between Obama's beauracracies.

  4. Since i am not a part of any sports clubs i was not aware of the problem. The SCC sounds like a good tool to help students fast track their clubs
