Feb 2, 2010

Snowing and Showing

Ok so I know everyone is pretty upset that we've had classes these past few day despite the daunting amount of snow Farmville received this weekend. Rumors of broken bones, wrecked cars, and bruised egos are piling up like snow drifts. But look at it this way, schools in places like Canada and Antarctica have to deal with snow all the time, and Longwood cannot afford to look bad, especially compared to those cannucks. And to tackle the injury/wreck issue, you are in college, if you drive, drive a snowmobile. If you don't drive, wear some crampons and tie a big pillow around your butt. Imagine you are a penguin and just waddle on to class.

P.S. These statements in no way reflect my feelings about the University being open, in fact I feel just the opposite


  1. Short, sweet, and to the point. I've seen plenty of facebook statuses saying Longwood is lame for not being able to handle the measly amount of snow we got. It's true other schools deal with it but they also deal with it on a more daily basis. We get snow here like what two times at best in any given school year? Longwood isn't equipped to do the snow work. I mean I'm happy we closed but they Longwood's definitely confused when it comes to snow removal and making the call when it comes to snow days. I'd think still using mini snowplows on brock commons would be a major hint that maybe school shouldn't open until late but that's just me. Monday was very annoying.

  2. I really like how you've taken a topic that many students are upset about and turned it into something humorous. Longwood definitely isn't prepared to handle the snow. You have a really good writing style and I appreciate the fact that your post, as stated in your post script, reflects a different view than your own.

  3. Theres no schools in Antarctica dude, people don't even live there.
